Trail Characteristics
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Don't know
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Don't know
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Green Mountain, W7O/CM-109, is a two-point summit above the Calapooia River drainage in Oregon. It is 4505' asl and has a lookout tower on top. At least one hiking internet site said that it should be open to access by the public. I downloaded the Google Maps directions to it and headed off Thursday morning, May 18, 2017.


All was going smoothly as I headed up Upper Calapooia Drive. After a few miles I started to see Weyerhaeuser "no trespassing" signs and warnings about closed gates. At about 8.5 miles up this road, the signage multiplied; but all gates were open. I started seeing a lot of log trucks, coming down full and going up empty. It was clear that I was headed toward an active logging operation. 



I decided to keep going and look for someone to ask for permission to go to the summit. I followed the left turn off of Calapooia Drive (at 12.5 miles since starting on this road). About 100 yds up this road, it appeared that I was crossing out of Weyerhaeuser land; but there was a closed gate and sign stating that hunting access was "weekends only". I was stopped for the day, but maybe some weekend day would work during hunting season.