APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Cellular Provider


I studied topo maps and picked out four unactivated summits in the Elkton, OR area to explore. This would hopefully yield some one-point activations to hold me over until the snow melts to the north. On May 21, 2017, Christina and I headed south.


The first summit looked to be the easiest, Hancock Hills, W7O/CC-080. It is a short distance off of Highway 38, with a road that appears to get there quickly. We found that road on the USGS topo map, and optimistically turned up to climb to the summit.


Unfortunately, it was gated off with a motor driven gate and support electronics (keypads, solar panels, antenna links, a buzzer that sounded as I got close, etc.). Someone did not want us up there! The USGS map did not show other roads to get there. Scratch the first one off the list.