Miller Mountain, Sept 9, 2016


In the last few years, I've developed a desire to activate the top 10 summits in the
Willamette Valley region. Miller Mountain is in that list but I've put it off because
its so far from the valley. Its located in south-central Oregon, closest to the town
of Chemult. I guess the placement algorithm treated it like a lost sock that you can't
throw away but you're not sure where to put it.

My approach to Miller Mt. was to take US Hwy 97 south towards Chemult, Oregon. About
0.5 mile north of Chemult, FS 9772 heads west. This road is also marked "Walt Haring

Activation of Marmot Butte - June 24, 2016


Marmot Butte is a rather nondescript summit just northeast of Chemult, OR.
It is also about 3km northeast of Walker Mountain. The two can easily be
done in one day. signage is sparse on this trek. Be sure to take map and
GPS to keep on track.

On this warm late June day, the mosquitoes were hungry and numerous. Its never
a good sign when you see dozens of mosquitoes lighting on your rig breaking off
their blood sucking apparatus the moment you stop. 100% DEET was employed.

Marmot Butte is reached by first taking NF9755 approximately 1.2mi north of the