Beaver Hill 2860, Plain WA


Nice hike in the Lake Wenatchee area near Plain WA.  From US 2 turn onto HY 207 at Coles corner.  Turn right onto HY 207 and follow through Plain WA and continue to the top of the hill  (47.753780, -120.646782) where there is a large parking lot.  The trail head is across the road on the south side of the road.  

The trail is good but steep in places but there are good views along the way.  The hike to the summit is .78 miles.  There is little view at the summit but the area is large enough to erect an EFHW or dipole antenna.

Bandera Mtn 28 October, 2013


28 October, 2013    Bandera Mtn    W7W/KG-073

Our original hiking destination for this day was going to be 7000 ft Norse Peak, an 8 pointer, near Crystal Mtn Ski Resort, a bit north and east of Mt Rainier National Park.  The Mt Rainier WX report predicted 30-40 MPH winds at Paradise and Camp Muir in the National Park.  We took off for our backup hiking destination:  Bandera Mtn.

Gobblers Knob July 28, 2013


Sunday, July 28, 2013 myself, Pat WT7N, her bro Mike, and Chuck AC7QN hiked to Gobblers Knob- which is located in Mt Rainier National Park, WA State.  There’s two ways to get to Gobblers Knob.  We chose the shorter route that approaches from the west via Forest Rd 59 instead of the longer Westside Road route.