Badger Mountain, WA | September 2019


While in the Tri-Cities area for a family event, was able to activate Badger mountain later in the afternoon.  The trail is very open, and would be very hot during the middle of summer days.  In the evening, there were many people using the trail.  Since the trail is so open, I enjoyed the views for miles around and seeing the Tri-Cities from a different perspective.  

Patterson Mountain, WA April 2019


After the North Cascades Highway opened, enjoyed taking a mid-week day to activate this summit near Winthrop, WA.  Spring is a great time as temperatures were in mid-60's, there was no snow, and some flowers were blooming.  Both WTA and AllTrails have great trail information, and links are provided below.  Trailhead is located about 15 minutes (7.8 miles) from main 4-way stop in Winthrop.  Boatlaunch & Trailhead parking is at the Northeast corner of Patterson Lake, and a Discover pass is required for parking at the boat launch.

Bandera Mtn 28 October, 2013


28 October, 2013    Bandera Mtn    W7W/KG-073

Our original hiking destination for this day was going to be 7000 ft Norse Peak, an 8 pointer, near Crystal Mtn Ski Resort, a bit north and east of Mt Rainier National Park.  The Mt Rainier WX report predicted 30-40 MPH winds at Paradise and Camp Muir in the National Park.  We took off for our backup hiking destination:  Bandera Mtn.