Summit does not have a "view"

Deemer Peak, Montana July 12, 2020


I was not fortunate to get any contacts nor activate this peak today. This was mostly due to my current limitations in radio gear. I used a Yeasu FT-2D at 5 watts with a 42 inch tape measure type of antenna. Although well within the exposed activation zone, the forested summit prevented me from reaching out to the northeast where I easily picked up two contacts earlier from Mount Baldy a few hours prior. I was calling on 146.52 MHz FM voice. I had a great line of sight to five other summits in the Plains, Montana area.

Peak 6540, Montana July 11, 2020


This was a failed attempt of activating this summit.

Driving the route to the "trailhead" involves a 21 mile stretch of Forest Service roads that takes you within a thousand feet of the summit. Take Forest Service road 412 that starts at Montana highway 135, just south of Quinns Hot Springs. 412 intersects with Forest Service road 97 that takes you to the summit. See link below for the map of this route. These are well maintained roads but Four Wheel Drive is highly recommended. Some rocky spots and deep potholes from the rain. Allow 90 minutes to drive this.

6370, OR July 2020


This was number 2 for the day. A short hike but only if you are interested in driving through some brush. Walking the road wouldn't be bad though. Plenty of area to set up. This was a short and sad activation as we were informed of Robin's cousin passing while on top.

Take access road off of main road 28. 28 is main FS road that is paved.

2660 - July 2020


This summit spans a property boundary between public BLM land and private Stimson land, and although Stimson allows the public to hike on most of their property on weekends, there is no need to enter their property to access the activation zone.

Bushwhacking Stams Mtn, OR | June 2020


I have to say, this was a fun hike, it's really my style.  It is truly a bushwhack hike, there is no trail, and you will not be afforded a road or any kind of guide.  A GPS waypoint of the peak is absolutely necessary, and even that won't help you at points from getting into trouble with really dense, thick undergrowth.  Be prepared to climb over and through stands of pine trees, manzanita, and deadfall.  This area is littered with old logging roads, which have given rise to dense thick stands of 1" pine trees 6 inches apart.  The path you will likely take crosses t

Rye Spur, OR June 2020


On my way home from activating Pelican Butte I took a detour to see if Rye Spur  was accessible for a future date. Take the turn towards Fourmile Lake (FS RD 3661) off of 140 the turn right on FS RD 360, then right FS RD 363. It turned out we were able to drive the FS RD 363 pretty close to the summit and chose to hike the short walk up and do a very quick activation. It was probably about a half mile up with a gradual, easy ascent. The last of the road going in is very tight and a bit rough. It dead ends at a good turn around with fire pit.

Blue Mountain (Snohomish County), WA | June 2020


There are many Blue Mountain's, and this one is located in Snohomish County, WA and just east of Sultan.  From parking gate to summit, it involves a 3 mile road hike (6.1 miles round-trip), and ~1,300 feet of gain.  There are some views along the way, and limited views from the summit. With the summit being heavily wooded, I activated near the tower (west / northwest of the summit and ~40 feet below summit per CalTopo map).  Was able to spot from the summit, but AT&T service was not consistent.
