Williamson Mtn, OR | July 2020


Williamson Peak is a nice day hike in the Cascade Lakes region west of Bend - located in the Three Sisters Wilderness area near Lava Lake.  The best way to reach the mountain is from the Lucky Lake Trailhead, just off Cascade Lakes NS Byway/Lava Lake Road.  From there the hike up to the summit is a little under 4 miles via the Senoj/Six Lakes Trail.  The trail grade varies from near flat to moderate with a total elevation gain of around 1600'. 

Deemer Peak, Montana July 12, 2020


I was not fortunate to get any contacts nor activate this peak today. This was mostly due to my current limitations in radio gear. I used a Yeasu FT-2D at 5 watts with a 42 inch tape measure type of antenna. Although well within the exposed activation zone, the forested summit prevented me from reaching out to the northeast where I easily picked up two contacts earlier from Mount Baldy a few hours prior. I was calling on 146.52 MHz FM voice. I had a great line of sight to five other summits in the Plains, Montana area.

Mt Electric, WA | May 2020


This was my first summit, and I want to thank pnwSOTA.org for the recommendation for it as a first summit.  It was a blast!

I reached 18 stations, including the famous WG0AT in Colorado and OK2PDT in the Czech Republic -- all with a SOTABeams linked dipole on a fiberglass mast with 5 watts out from my KX3!  Amazing what CW can do.

I sat on a wet tree limb, fumbled with a pad to log QSOs while swatting away mosquitoes but it was perhaps the most fun I've had in ham radio.  I recommend it highly to anyone who hasn't tried it. 

Chuckanut Mountain, WA | May 2020


For some reason, Chuckanut Mountain was not on the top of my list for a 2 point summit.  Two reasons were probably the long hike for two points, and uncertainty about going off trail to the summit.  After not hiking for 6 weeks due to Covid-19 lock-downs, this was a great hike to enjoy being back on a trail.  While a bit longer hike, the elevation gain is gradual and the final off-trail summit push is also gradual and easy to traverse.


North Chuckanut Mountain, WA | February 2020


North Chuckanut is a heavily treed summit with very limited views, but is a nice well-marked hike.  On a cloudy and rainy Saturday, the trail was well used.  To access the summit, use the Pine & Cedar Lakes trailhead which is easily accessed off I-5 near Bellingham, WA.  There is good parking and no pass required.


Camano Island, WA | Nov 2019


Camano Island is a 1-point summit accessed via a short and nearly flat elevation gain hike, or drive-up due to larger activation area.  Thank you Josh WU7H for blog comment about drive-up option, and difficulty trying to chase this summit.  Stopping on side of N Cross Island Rd just North of the summit appears to be one drive-up option (see picture below).

Lummi Peak, WA | November 2019


Lummi Peak is a 2 point summit located in Whatcom County, WA.  A short ferry ride will take you to Lummi Island, which was $13 for vehicle with driver (as of Nov 2019).  After deciding to take a Friday vacation day, Jason KV7DX (previously KE7UIU) suggested Lummi Peak.  He had activated the summit twice (Aug 17 and Dec 18), and it sounded like the perfect option for a cold and sunny November day.  I was also excited to try out a portable setup for FT8.


Bald Hill, WA (near Monroe) | March 2019


Bald Hill is located just west of Monroe in Snohomish County, WA.  While the summit is on private property, there is a small activation zone located in the SE corner of Lord Hill Regional Park.  Hiking distance was ~2.2miles RT, and 467 feet of gain (most of which was in short section of Pipeline trail). 

1164 Good Copy Hill, WA - May 2019


Sunny day in North Puget Sound, and was able to leave a bit early from work.  After mentioning wanting to do a quick SOTA, KV7DX suggested Good Copy Hill... since it was close to my home QTH, and relatively quick hike.  I've tried activating Good Copy Hill in the past, by approaching from the South...but there is not a good access point.  Use Heimer road, and follow directions below to access.  
