<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Think you picked a good one Guy, thanks for getting Oregon started!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">And thanks to Etienne for taking it on...</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Fred</span></p>

Back in early 2009 when I was working with Les Allwood/G3VQO in setting up the various state-based Associations for W7, I indicated that I would "turn over" Associations to "SOTA active and knowledgeable" individuals who are residents in those states. This was in keeping with the SOTA MT preference of resident Association Managers where feasible. 

First was Bruce/N7RR for W7W-Washington followed by Scott/W7IMC for W7I-Idaho.

In keeping with that commitment, I'd like to now turn over W7O-Oregon to Etienne Scott, K7ATN.  Etienne has been one of our more engaged Activators, has gained a lot of SOTA experience over the past 36 months and certainly appears to not be stopping as he is an avid outdoorsman and hiker.  He is a frequent contributor to the NA SOTA reflector, level-headed in his comments, and certainly promotes SOTA frequently.  

Etienne will be an able representative for SOTA!  Congratulations Etienne!

73, Guy/n7un