pnwSOTA Summit Investigation

A long time ham friend of mine here in Boise, K7MK, introduced me to SOTA last fall. When he told me about it I said I was "All in -- lets do it!" As we await weather appropriate for Activations I have been doing some Chasing as well as studying the summit situation here in pnwSOTA. I am an naturally inquisitive person with an analyatic bent so this was a perfect topic to waste an afternoon on. I looked around for an existing summit data source but could not find one.

New Association Manager for W7O-Oregon!

Back in early 2009 when I was working with Les Allwood/G3VQO in setting up the various state-based Associations for W7, I indicated that I would "turn over" Associations to "SOTA active and knowledgeable" individuals who are residents in those states. This was in keeping with the SOTA MT preference of resident Association Managers where feasible. 

First was Bruce/N7RR for W7W-Washington followed by Scott/W7IMC for W7I-Idaho.

August 4, 2013 Activation of Scott Mountain


This was a wonderful day for an activation of Scott Mountain.  The trailhead is reached by taking the turnoff for Scott Lake Campground off of OR242 a few miles west of the Dee Wright Observatory. Follow the gravel road past all the campsites to the quarry at the end of the road.  There are two trails that start from there.  Take the Benson Trail 3402 to go most directly to Scott Mountain.