Hello SOTA Fans! You may have noticed that the PNWSOTA site was off the air for a number of weeks recently. The old server that hosted the site for the past 7 years died. Luckily KK7DS had been keeping backups and we were able to restore the site on a new server. Hooray!!

Shout out to NH6Z for hosting the site for many years. Also a HUGE thanks to Dan KK7DS - without his expertise (and backups!), PNWSOTA would no longer exist and 7 years worth of awesome trip reports and other SOTA data would now be lost!

I've taken over hosting the site. The previous performance problems are a thing of the past. You don't need to post your report multiple times to get it to 'stick', and posting is now instant! If you found posting reports to be a chore in the past, please give it another shot... I think you will be pleased. 

We are also freshening up the site a bit, so if you have any feedback or ideas please let us know. I'd like PNWSOTA to continue on being a fantastic resource for SOTA operators in the PNW.

-Josh WU7H