APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Follow the directions to the Drake Peak Lookout that is located on Light Peak W7O/CE-004. Head up on foot the 1/3 mile towards Light Peak and watch for the faint road heading east just below the summit.  This is a cross-country route of about 3 miles RT. A GPS may be very useful to find the peak. Although it may look shorter to veer off the road on the return trip to slightly shorten the trip, I'd suggest staying with the road. The rocky peak has a few small trees for supporting poles and antennas.

There is a nice privy adjacent to the Lookout. Respect the space of any Lookout tenant. It seems that both AT&T and T-mobile have some coverage up this way. I would not expect to work anyone on 2m FM in this area.

Of course you should also activate Light Peak W7O/CE-004 while you are here. Somewhat near is Twelvemile Peak W7O/CE-006 that you may want to try - but it will be more challenging that Light or Drake.