APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Peak 4980, to be known throughout SOTAdom as "Chasers Rock," is an easy activation just south of Mount Hood, Oregon (even if the road is horrid). It has great views (in the right weather) and some wilderness character about it. And there is an old trail that makes access fairly easy.

The Chasers for SOTA have consistently been the heroes of my activations, being there for me in a myriad of ways and ensuring my success. I would like this first vanity name for a numbered peak in Oregon to recognize all of them. Indeed, besides this peak being somewhat rocky, I intend that the name indicate that SOTA Chasers are awesome.

Directions to this trailhead are described well here: Devil's Peak Trailhead. The trailhead is marked by two posts about 6.9 miles past the four way junction where “Sherar Burn Road” and NF 2613 starts (see photo and the GPS waypoints below). This road might be driven in a passenger car, but a high clearance vehicle would be much more appropriate. There might be parking just west of the trailhead or about 0.4 miles east – the road is narrow at this point.

The “trail” appears to be abandoned track – a bit overgrown and steep but still very passable. The one-way distance is only 0.3 miles with 230 feet of gain. After reaching the ridge, turn left and continue up in the clearing along the ridgetop. The going here is not difficult and in some places it seems like it was once a roadbed. The apparent true summit is a bit away from what is indicated in the ARM – the true summit makes for a good scenic operating position with lots of room and trees for any antenna setup.

On this activation I was happy to work nine Chasers on 40 meters and I had two summit-to-summit contacts among the 29 QSOs. The clouds came in and the weather started feeling like rain but I was lucky to stay dry until I was well on my way home.

Thanks again Chasers!


GPS Waypoints

Trailhead: 45.24720 -121.84585

Ridgetop: 45.24806 -121.84586

Ridgetop Cont.: 45.24810 -121.84722

Apparent Summit: 45.24983 -121.84854