APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Trout Creek Butte is a convenient activation site from the town of
Sisters, Oregon. Its only about 12 miles from the town center. This
summit could probably be considered a drive-up, provided the gate
near the top was open and you had a suitable vehicle.

From the west side of the town of Sisters, take Oregon 242 west. Just
after passing Sisters High School, NF-15 will head south on your left.
My description begins here (mile-point zero) at the junction of NF-15
and Oregon 242.

Take NF-15, heading south initially on blacktop. The blacktop turns to
gravel at 1.8 miles. Continue on NF-15 past the turn off for Sisters Cow

At mile-point 7.2, the road splits. A sign points left to Pole Creek Trail
Head. Stay straight at this intersection, and the road now becomes NF-1018.

Continue on NF-1018 until mile-point 8.3 which is at the top of a slight
rise. NF-1018 bears left and goes downhill. Go straight here, uphill,
onto Road 800 which is a red cinder road and is marked by a NF sign. It's
easily passable with a high clearance 4WD vehicle. A passenger car can
make it if care is taken.

Just past milepost 9.4, there is a green gate which I found open and the
lock appears to be inoperable. I parked just before the gate. You could
drive to the summit from here with a proper rig.

From the gate, the walk to the summit is about 20 minutes. There are two
summits actually. Just take the road to the end and you should find a
abandoned fire tower. That is the correct summit.

The summit is treed, with few views and the old tower is still there but
the bottom stairs are removed. There was a ladder made from weathered nylon
rope and PVC pipe that could get you to the first intact stairs. I suspect
the ladder's true purpose was for cleansing the human gene pool.

There are numerous trees for horizontal dipoles and a convenient post for
EFHW poles.

This summit will win no beauty contests. There are occasional
views of the east side of the Sisters, but little else. For a quick four
pointer close to Sisters, it ain't half bad.