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Little Odell Butte is near the Willamette Pass ski area just off OR58 and is also near Odell
Butte. Its a cute warm-up hike for its bigger namesake.

Little Odell Butte is reached by turning off onto RD6020 off of OR58 between mileposts 76
and 77.  RD6020 parallels OR58 for a bit then turns west. 1.5 miles from OR58, take RD500
on the right. I'd go maybe a couple of hundred feet or so and park. Its too rough and brushy
for any vehicle you care about keeping.

Using a map and GPS head up RD500 staying to the left initially then turning up towards the
right steeply to attain the bench on the northeast side of the butte. At this point, take any skidder
trail you can find directly up the slope. Its pretty dense forest and steep but with care its not a bad

Its about 800 meters to the summit from where you park. It took me about 40 minutes to reach
it. The summit is pretty open with a great shade tree amidst manzanita bushes. There are a few
views to but there are too many trees to see much. A pleasant summit however with options for
vertical or dipole radiators.

Not much else to say for Little Odell Butte. Its a cute little 4 pointer that will get your heart
pumping on the uphill slog. Together with Big Odell Butte across OR58, you can have a 10 point day!