Onion Peak Closure


While completing my activation of West Onion Mountain W7O/NC-010 I noticed that closure signs were posted that all access to Onion Peak (Summit refrence W7O/NC-011) Is closed until further notice due to it being a 'Sensative Area'.  The area is managed by EFM (which I believe is Evergreen Forest Management aka lewis and clark?). I just wanted to post this to stop anyone from making the drive to the coast hoping to activate it only to get skunked.  With that being said go check out my write up on West Onion which is accessible and is a good one!

Stimson logging fire closures


I was skunked today on my activation attempt for Round Top, due to fire risk closure. Here's a quick note to myself and other future activators concerning this.

Although Stimson maintains fairly open (hiking) public access rules for their property, they do close access entirely during Industrial Fire Protection Level (IFPL) II or higher. If you are activating in a Stimson propery area during the summer months, check the website ahead of time.

Stimpson western (Oregon) public access rules: