3442 (NC-066), May 2020


NC-066, in my head named "Souther Saddle" (even though it's not part of a saddle pair), was a nice bike ride into Stimson forest land. This peak forms the lower point of a triangle between South Saddle NC-002 and NC-065, commonly a paired activation. One could easily do both NC-065 and 066 in a day, provided enough time to hike or bike this route. There are also a number of other nearby peaks on the way in/out of the forest area that could be paired if you had time in the day.

Stimson logging fire closures


I was skunked today on my activation attempt for Round Top, due to fire risk closure. Here's a quick note to myself and other future activators concerning this.

Although Stimson maintains fairly open (hiking) public access rules for their property, they do close access entirely during Industrial Fire Protection Level (IFPL) II or higher. If you are activating in a Stimson propery area during the summer months, check the website ahead of time.

Stimpson western (Oregon) public access rules: