Ebey Hill, WA | Nov 2018


No access... (or no easy access?)

When I started learning about SOTA in late 2018, it sounded fun to activate a new summit.  I tried for Ebey Hill in Snohomish County.

From Highway 530, I turned right onto Jim Creek Rd and was hoping to drive up Ebey Mountain Road.  Very clear "Do Not Enter - Private Road" sign posted.  Also drove further up Jim Creek Rd, and tried to access from Riley Lake area on East side.  

No Access Info for Bald Mountain W7W/LC-151


Summit is on private property owned by "the Gilliettes of Amboy" according to a neighbor near the locked gate used for access.  This gate is located at the north end of NE 94th where NE Old Rock Quarry Rd begins, according to maps.google.com.  

"Private Property No Trespassing" signs are also on roads from the north side.