Peak 3410 - Failed Attempt


I decided to head to the town of Emmett, ID to check out of couple of summits.  First on the list was Peak 3410 which is on BLM land.  Unfortunately, to get there is a bit of a challenge and I was stopped early on in the trip, about 5 miles away.  It was the start of a dirt road with a very clearly marked "No Tresspassing" sign.  

It would be interesting to see if there is a way in from the north, maybe via Big Willow and Sucker Creek Roads, but that will have to be a trip on another day.

Long Mountain, Oregon | August 2019


Long Mountain has finally been activated! A 12 mile round trip for 1 point that costs $75 just to step foot past the logging road gate. A quiet hike with not a soul to disturb you while you take a long walk on the mostly exsposed logging roads. You will see wildlife, mostly birds, along with a stunning view of Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Adams if the weather is clear.

No Access Info for Bald Mountain W7W/LC-151


Summit is on private property owned by "the Gilliettes of Amboy" according to a neighbor near the locked gate used for access.  This gate is located at the north end of NE 94th where NE Old Rock Quarry Rd begins, according to  

"Private Property No Trespassing" signs are also on roads from the north side.