Taylor Ridge, Georgia | November 2014
Just east of Trion, Georgia is this easy to access hike on the Pinhoti Trail to Taylor Ridge.
About 1.2 miles north of the light at Central Avenue (that leads into Trion) on Highway 1
Trailhead has limited or no parking
Just east of Trion, Georgia is this easy to access hike on the Pinhoti Trail to Taylor Ridge.
About 1.2 miles north of the light at Central Avenue (that leads into Trion) on Highway 1
On 23 June I decided to head up and do this little one pointer that is within a couple miles of the house. This not going to be the next Mount Davidson (Elliot K6EL) as it does not have much to offer. No scenery, lots of logging roads, Teenage Partiers etc. But I did have to be the first to activate this hill. I did take this opportunity to take a lot of my radios out with me to try them out.
Fox Butte is the site of a now defunct fire lookout tower that is listed in the National Historical Lookout registry. The road to the top is gated, leaving you with a hike of roughly 3/4 mile to the summit. That's if you're comfortable backing down an inclined double track about 1/4 mile - there is no, repeat no, turnaround.
I had been wondering about the peak Thomas Cairn for awhile after
elk hunting in the Snow Peak area in Linn county this year. Although
it was not eligible for winter points, I just had to get up there
and see what it looked like up close.
Thomas Cairn is in an remote part of Linn county closest to the
town of Scio. I got there by first going to Scio then taking Oregon
226, 6.75 miles to the Camp Morrison Road. This turnoff is easily
identifiable by the Hannah covered bridge there.
Follow Morrison Camp road for 4.7 miles to a unmarked, nondescript
Devil's Mountain is just off I-5 as you pass through Skagit Valley, south of Mount Vernon. It's an easy 2 pointer via a gated logging road.
This was also another case for me finding roads or trails at the summit when I could not find any such information online until AFTER the activation. It appears that Gifford Pinchot Forest Trail #52, Monte Carlo, starts at the Oklahoma Campground to the west and crosses this peak. I came from the east side with a shorter drive and a shorter hike.
Peak 4980, to be known throughout SOTAdom as "Chasers Rock," is an easy activation just south of Mount Hood, Oregon (even if the road is horrid). It has great views (in the right weather) and some wilderness character about it. And there is an old trail that makes access fairly easy.
While in town for the Hells Canyon Relay race, Taylor and I planned to hit two 10-point summits in the Joseph, OR area, our highest elevation and point value yet. What started off as a well-planned day trip unraveled into a messy situation. This is a long report, but worth the read!
The trail is called the "Starway Trail" but it could be better named the "Stairway Trail" as it is one of the steepest trails I have ever hiked - but the views from the top are worth it. And then, the peak should also have the SOTA vanity name, "Starway." The elevation gain is in the order of 2400 feet in just over two miles and pretty much relentlessly climbs for the first half of the hike. Note that this peak can also be approached from Silver Star (from the south) with less elevation gain, although the trail is a bit faint in places.
A few weeks ago I had a minor toe procedure that left me out of commission and unable to hike. To slowly get back in the swing of things, KK7DS and I planned to summit Lookout Mountain (W7/LC-066) after a tip from N7AAM. This particular summit is mostly accessible by car and requires minimal hiking. As we drove along FR 43 to Lookout Mountain, I saw "D-Layer" mountain come into view on the topo map. There were no roads leading to the top, but the topo lines gave the appearance that it would be a relatively easy bushwhacking adventure over a short distance. We decided to scope it out on our way back from Lookout Mountain.