SOTA Activation - Hicks Butte, Kittitas County, Washington - April 16, 2016

This was a joint SOTA Activation along with my SOTA Buddy: Tim, KG7EJT.  Hicks Butte, which had only been Activated once before, is a somewhat obscure SOTA summit located about 6.5 KM SW of exit 78 off I-90, between the towns of Easton and Cle Elum in Central Washington.  Hicks Butte is a 6 point SOTA Summit, and is 5,518 feet or 1,682 meters high.  Fine weather, great companionship, good views and a successful SOTA Activation yielded a great outing!


SOTA Activation - Lava Butte, Deschutes County, Oregon - April 8, 2016

3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = Three Activations in three days with three, 3X3 (weak signal) contacts, amongst about 50 contacts overall.  During an early Spring vacation in the Bend, Oregon area, we enjoyed all that Central Oregon is famous for!  Good spring skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, SOTA Activations, and a sampling of several of the more than 80 breweries that exist in the greater Bend area.  This report, number 3 of 3, deals with the Activation of Lava Butte, 5,020 feet, 1,530 meters.


SOTA Activation - Tumalo Mountain, Deschutes County, Oregon - April 7, 2016


3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = Three Activations in three days with three, 3X3 (weak signal) contacts, amongst about 50 contacts overall.  During an early Spring vacation in the Bend, Oregon area, we enjoyed all that Central Oregon is famous for!  Good spring skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, SOTA Activations, and a sampling of several of the more than 80 breweries that exist in the greater Bend area.  This report, number 2 of 3, deals with the Activation of Tumalo Mountain, 7,775 feet, 2,370 meters.


SOTA Activation: Mount Bachelor, Deschutes County, Oregon - April 06, 2016

3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = Three Activations in three days with three, 3X3 (weak signal) contacts, amongst about 50 contacts overall.  During an early Spring vacation in the Bend, Oregon area, we enjoyed all that Central Oregon is famous for!  Good spring skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, SOTA Activations, and a sampling of several of the more than 80 breweries that exist in the greater Bend area.  This report, number 1 of 3, deals with the Activation of Mount Bachelor, 9,065 feet, 2,763 meters.


Peak 5180, Idaho | April 2016

Peak 5180 (one of four with the same name in Idaho) appeared to be a relatively accessible summit off Blacks Creek Rd, SE of Boise Idaho.  After some discussions with a co-worker (AKA Erik the Mountain Goat) I learned that there was a developing trail around the base of Peak 5180.  It's a 16 mile adventurous Mtn bike trail.  Erik had also hiked this peak during the winter using a drirect route up the ridge (see links below).  After a study of Google earth, I decided to take this trail for a mile or so and then turn up onto one of the ridges leading to the summit.
