Summit does not have a "view"

Leisurely stroll


Longwire mnt. 2012-07-15 CN96jv50

Quickly, after Old Scab I activate this plateau as well. So far the most-most easiest "hike", or more like a walk in a park. Driving only a mile further up from Old Scab trailhead I reach the top of the mountain. Here is a big open space. Park the car in the shade and start to collect this giveaway six point.

"3060" Summit Oregon October 26, 2013


This summit is only about a mile from a large parking lot on the road to the top of Mary's Peak but it requires some strenuous up-hill bushwhacking from that readily accessible parking lot.  There are some old logging roads in the area, mostly grown over with bushes, that will get you close to the summit but getting to a logging road from that particular parking lot was quite a workout.  Looking at the satellite view there appears to be an easier, albeit much longer access route via a logging roads (for hiking) a bit farther to the north from where I started.

Squak Mtn, WA | Dec-2012


Just south of downtown Issaquah is Squak Mountain. It's a Washington State Park and so access is straightforward. From the north trailhead it's 2.3 miles one way on a maze of trails where it's a good idea to check the trail map carefully as there are several junctions on the way to the summit and one unsigned (very short) trail link.